5 August - Protests, riots and thuggery
It may be a sign of impending madness but I watched
eight more hours of streamed video of the protests yesterday. I think the most
important observation may be that the days of blogs like this one are over. An hour long
YouTube video can get 15,000 views within an hour and pushing half a million
within 24 hours. I would be overjoyed if this was read by 2,000 people over a month.
I must consider whether it is worth carrying on while being in awe of the data
shifting power required to make YouTube happen.
One of the things missing from yesterday’s reports is that the
protestors were campaigning under the umbrella title of ‘Enough is Enough’. Their
favourite chants were ‘We Want Our Country Back’, ‘Save Our Kids’ and ‘Stop the Boats’. The opposing
side at their worst were calling out Allahu Akbar.
I woke up this morning to my newspaper headline ‘Far Right clash with Muslims in
riotingְ’. If it wasn’t for the fact that they stopped charging for my Telegraph on-line
subscription I would be thinking of giving it up. That is not a balanced headline,
definitely there was some rioting but in 17 hours of video, and I looked at
more this morning, only the Muslims arrived tooled up and given police protection.
As for Far Right; the thugs I saw, and there were some, by appearance and
location (Northern cities) one would guess they have all voted Labour for ever.
How else have Northern Cities been Labour Controlled since time began? How are their residents suddenly into Far Right politics?
So an update on what has gone before.
Yesterday’s report was based on an edited video, I have since watched the live
feed. It was Blackpool’s ‘Rebellion Weekend’ whatever that may be and there was
a whole load of men, mainly old enough to know better, dressed in what in my day
we called Punk gear. Mohican haircuts and some more spectacular, that sort of thing.
A smaller number of females too.
They were hugely outnumbered by more ordinary looking people, mainly couples of all ages,
some with children plus a reasonable number of people who one might judge to be more
of a threat. Tattoos and T-shirts, some bare chests. Nothing really out of the
ordinary on a very hot day but people who looked as if they could handle themselves.
The police were surrounding the seafront Metropole Hotel which was said to house
immigrants. They didn’t otherwise have much to do, why would they? If I didn’t
know better I might think it was just a normal Saturday afternoon on the Blackpool seafront.
Later on the Punks decided they were on the side of the immigrants and said as much, it
didn’t take long for a brawl to break out. Someone aimed a can of drink at a
line of Punks and many more followed. Then there were chairs until five minutes
later the police arrived on horseback.
Some sort of order was restored but tensions had been raised. To keep the two
factions apart the police decided it was a good idea to unleash their dogs on
men, women and children. I saw one man go down, I think the women and children got away.
The police had successfully roused the more foolish members of the public to brick
throwing at their vehicles. They withdrew them. A small number of Punks intent on
taunting the masses had to be rescued outside a seafront shop by the police.
A policeman returned to his car to find the windscreen caved in.
Meanwhile the police protecting the immigrant hotel ran en-mass
to the nearby North Pier and encircled whoever it was who had
upset them. There must have been 70 police in a neat circle around their
intended victims. The circle contracted to entrap the target of police attention
which must have traumatised the women and children caught up in it. Another
generation that may go on to hate the police for their entire life. At least I
was able to enjoy 50 years before my eyes were opened. Poor kids.
The immigrants were not at any time shown to be in the streets at all.
Maybe the police cordon wouldn’t let them out but a wise move either way.
The cameraman I followed in Liverpool went home
quite early to protect his own safety. I found a braver soul. His video started
with the regular Save Our Kids chant and women with placards gathered around a
War Memorial saying the same. For no obvious reason the police thought it was
appropriate to search ladies’ shopping bags and handbags. Their antagonising skill knows few bounds.
A man holding a Crucifix aloft paraded solemnly by.
The commentator said that things took a turn for the worse when Antifa supporters were bussed in from
Manchester. I saw no evidence of buses but the anti-British
contingent had become quite a lot bigger, bolder and gone well beyond their
Communist flag waving activities - although the Hammer and Sickle was still in
evidence. While waving their own flags they aimed
insults and V signs at the women pleading for the lives of children. Why is the
Left so hateful? Elderly women included.
A lady, well not really a lady, probably as old as me, was waving a banner
complaining about pensioners being robbed by Rachel Reeves which might be
amusing if the lack of education was not so sad. However she still had a good
pair of lungs on her because “Nazi Scum” spewed from her mouth more loudly than anyone elses.
Some of the child loving women were “shithouse cunts”. What sort of people have we bred?
The police did a reasonable job of separating the two lines until they decided
that women and men with Union flags in favour of protecting their children were an
easier target than thugs. So they charged at them with dogs. They have the Two
Tier reputation to maintain.
From there on in the distinction between good and bad disappeared with fights
breaking out and as darkness fell large wheeled refuse bins were set on fire and
used as mobile weapons. One shop at least was looted, it was owned by an
immigrant family and totally wrecked. A children’s library was burned out.
By morning a small shopping street was in a bad shape with nearly every shutter
damaged to some extent. A car charger was on its side and innumerable wheeled
bins were burned out with the road surface melted. Yes a riot and yes mindless destruction.
Shopkeepers aside, possibly, no obvious immigrants involved, just Antifa people
hell bent on destruction meeting their opposite number allegedly protesting
knife-crime. The families including women and children appeared to have had the good
sense to buzz off home. Mindless destruction. It is not the way forward.
The above is sourced from three different videos.
Liverpool was portrayed as a beautiful city and so was Manchester.
Yesterday’s videographer left because it was
quiet. She was in the wrong place.
The crowd was enormous but good natured for the most part. Families with the
occasional chant of Save Our Kids and placards bearing similar messages. Unlike
in Blackpool and Liverpool the Muslims were being provocative. The police were
hopelessly outnumbered but on the other hand most protestors were there to be respectful.
The Antifa crowd was tiny compared to the Save Our Kids protesters, chanting
about Nazis obviously, with a handful of them hiding their faces behind the black
and white checked tea towels one sees on the pro-Palestine marches.
The Muslims were openly taunting the British. Two brave or foolhardy women in
Burqas baited the British mothers saying they could go wherever they wanted which whilst correct may not have been the most sensible thing to say. Two of
their menfolk dragged them away. In a near identical incident one Burqa woman
singled out a white woman who tried to persuade her to get away from potential
danger and failed. Two police officers made her see sense. They frog marched her away.
Various dark skinned men taunted the crowd and one was chased into the park by
half a dozen men and later plenty more. He was quick on his feet and received
only a minor duffing up. The police were nowhere to be seen, at least not for about three minutes.
I felt a bit sorry for the police at this stage, because control was slipping
away and there was such a large area to cover and they did not appear to be particularly
well organised at times. If they were scared it would be natural, they were hemmed in.
Fortunately the white men did not see them as the enemy except to call out
two-tiered policing, that was
reserved for the balaclava clad Muslim gangs - quite a lot of small ones - rushing into the crowd armed with large planks of wood.
To their credit the police managed to round them up and disperse them to where I
do not know. This allowed the formal march to begin. It was more a case of the
police marching in the road and the protestors following on the footpath. A gang
of youths went into Sainsbury’s and came out without paying. In and out with
large handfuls of stuff in seconds being the clue.
Outside the Art Gallery the police decided on “a Containment” or kettling in
street language. It was not well enforced and quite a lot of people were let out
and the police could be heard arguing on whether it was a Containment or not.
The cameraman got away.
Just outside the kettled area an old man in the middle of the road on a mobility
scooter was for some unfathomable reason carrying a football. Maybe he had
bought it for a grandchild, Who knows? Inevitably it was kicked skywards and the
police were not happy at the distraction. The old man gave them a bit of lip so
the police officer snatched his bottle of drink and threw it onto the footpath.
Following that the old man came out with his worst word yet. “Knobhead.”
Presumably the officer is competing with Mark Rowley in the petulism stakes. Do
we really have no adults left in our police forces?
The Bristol protest covered a huge area and may even have been among the largest
in terms of numbers. Men women and children were shoulder to shoulder. The usual
stuff. Protesters Saving Our Kids and Antifa shouting abuse and separated by the
police who were accused of being two-tiered again. Fewer flags and placards than
usual making it harder to differentiate sides. However my cameraman didn’t capture any big incidents.
However another one did. There was a stand off on a bridge over a river. About 50
men fronted by four women who were singing the National Anthem and Rule
Britannia and chanting We want Our Country Back and Save our Kids. Some calmer
people were urging them to back off.
For some reason the police didn’t like it and they lined up against them with
batons drawn and to be fair the songs did come across as somewhat aggressive. A
few missiles came from the back of the crowd. It was likely that given time the
King’s Choir would get fed up with it and go away but the police were less than patient.
They charged with their batons and let the dogs do their business. And now we
have another bunch of protesters determined to see the police as their enemy.
Maybe they already did but their ire should be reserved for the politicians that
have brought us to this sorry state.
Rotherham, or at least what I saw of it, was unmitigated hooliganism. True the
town has seen the worst of the grooming gangs covered up until recently by
Labour politicians and the police and they have every right to be angry. However
all I saw was a mob attacking an immigrant hotel. Bricks thrown, windows
smashed, a small fire started and a few mobsters gaining entry. However contrary
to reports, I saw no sign that the building was occupied. There were no faces at
the windows and no one trying to get out and away from danger. I may be wrong,
but there were no immigrants in evidence.
The police were not especially active when they had every excuse to be so.
Prime Minister’s statement
During yesterday afternoon Two Tier Keir decided it was time to pour petrol on
the fire. He is going to make sure all Mosques are protected 24/7. The places
we now know are used to store lethal weapons. I used to think Rishi Sunak had no
political antennae; but Starmer! How useless can one man be? He is stoking up trouble.
Today he is vehemently denying two-tiered policing
exists when it is obvious for all to
see. How long will he last? Not long I hope.