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About property developer Kulvinder Singh with a particular emphasis on 238 Woolwich Road and his close links to Bexley Council

An aid to locating relevant blogs


Just a spot of landscaping, you won’t mind will you? - 2nd October 2018
There is no stopping Mr. Singh - 4th October 2018
Drawing a line - 9th October 2018
Singh, Steward, Sold and Sense - 3rd November 2018
Money grabbers, vandals, more vandals, xenophobes and criminals - 29th January 2019
Just deserts (sic) - 31st January 2019
Catching up on things - 26th February 2019
The Leather Bottle site remains a mess, should we believe the developer’s plans for Woolwich Road? - 3rd March 2019
Ancient woodland destroyed while Bexley Council stands by powerless to stop it - 16th March 2019
Justice prevails, sort of - 18th June 2019
Karma - 15th September 2019
He moved the earth but not yet the Planning Committee - 21st June 2020
Bexleyְ’s Bonkers Bunker becomes permanent - 15th February 2021
Bexley Council’s Planning Department. Not fit for purpose - 3rd May 2021
A walk in the park - 15th May 2021
All friends together - 23rd April 2022
What a tangled web they weave - 24th April 2022
Pillars of Society - 24th April 2022
Is this the truth I was looking for? - 25th April 2022
Dubious links proven to be true - 26th April 2022
Where next? - 27th April 2022
Facing two ways - 25th May 2022
The Tories’ friend comes out on top again - 11th September 2022
Not a good look - 26th September 2022
Utterly shameless - 1st October 2022
If at first you don’t succeed… - 12th December 2023
Bexley Council. Is it ennobled at the top and nobbled at the bottom? - 20th December 2023
Subservience is what you need - 3rd March 2024
Here he goes again - 30th May 2024

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