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Bexley councillors - Ward Sequence

2010 - 2014

Appointments and allowances refer to 2010/11 only
(A) Leader of the Council (B) Deputy Leader (C) Leader of the Opposition (D) Cabinet Member (E) Scrutiny Committee Chairman (F) Scrutiny Committee Opposition Spokesman (G) Planning Committee Chairman (H) Planning Committee Vice-Chairman (I) Planning Committee Opposition Spokesman (J) Licensing Committee Chairman (K) General Purposes Committee Chairman (L) Pensions Committee Chairman (M) Audit Committee Chairman (N) Special Responsibility Allowance (O) Mayor (P) Deputy Mayor (Q) Expenses claimed

Six married couples are linked by coloured backgrounds

Cllr. Ward Party Pay Appointments
David Hurt
David Hurt
Barnehurst Tory Logo £9,417.96
£250 (N)
Howard Marriner
Howard Marriner
Barnehurst Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Simon Windle
Simon Windle
Barnehurst Tory Logo £9,417.96
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Kerry Allon
Kerry Allon
Belvedere Tory Logo £9,417.96
Campaigned against the new ASDA store in Belvedere.
Defeated in the May 2014 election.
Gill MacDonald
Gill MacDonald
Belvedere Labour Logo £9,417.96
£2,661 (F)

Opposition spokesman: Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Seán Newman
Seán Newman
Belvedere Labour Logo £9,417.96
£2,661 (F)

Opposition spokesman: Public Realm, Community Safety, Economic Development and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Brian Beckwith
Brian Beckwith
Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Peter Craske
Peter Craske
Tory Logo £9471.96
£250 (N)

Cabinet Member for Public Realm until June 2012. Indirectly responsible for this site existing having reigned over a network of lies, deceit and incompetence in connection with a road redesign that adversely affects me daily. According to a local newspaper he personally intervened to ensure that a local resident who had offended him was put to an unnecessary extra expense of £550. Imposed a near tripling of residents’ parking charges while refusing all requests to justify the increase with detailed figures.

Famously, his home telephone line was the source of on-line obscenities posted to the web but he denied he was responsible for them. Bexley police, the council’s Chief Executive and the Crown Prosecution Service met to “resolve his situation”.
Kate Perrior
Katie Perrior
Tory Logo £9,417.96
£13,197 (D)

Cabinet Member for Children’s Services
Pleads poverty to a local paper claiming she works part time when in fact she is full time director of the prominent PR company ‘Inhouse’.
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Pat Cammish
Pat Cammish
Tory Logo £9,417.96
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Colin D'Amiral
Graham D’Amiral
Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Nick O'Hare
Nick O’Hare
Tory Logo £9,417.96
£250 (N)

Complicit in the cover up of councillor Craske’s abuse of electors.
Sybil Camsey
Sybil Camsey
Brampton Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Teresa O'Neill
Teresa O’Neill
Brampton Tory Logo £9,417.96
£26,391 (A)

Leader of the Council
Adviser to the London Mayor, Boris Johnson on matters concerning the Outer London boroughs. Not a firm believer in the council’s slogan “Listening to you, working for you” (she fails to turn up at scheduled meetings with the public) and keen advocate of high allowances for councillors and salaries exceeding the Prime Minister’s for her favoured fat cats.

After the former leader, the disgraced Ian Clement, abused his expense account and council credit card, various Freedom of Information requests indicated a massive cover-up including an email giving instructions on how to hide things from the auditors. Teresa O’Neill refused all requests by those pursuing the truth to meet them or otherwise respond to their enquiries.

Reported this blog to Bexley police and provided a totally false story to justify it. Bexley police responded and as a result fell foul of an IPCC investigation. No police officer was disciplined and no one was charged with Misconduct in Public Office.

Deliberately ignored the Data Protection Act 1998 by authorising the publication of personal information of residents she didn’t like on the council’s website. Dishonest at every level.
John Wilkinson
John Wilkinson
Brampton Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Roy Ashmole
Roy Ashmole
Christchurch Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Brad Smith
Brad Smith
Christchurch Tory Logo £9,417.96
£8,802 (J)

Chairman: Licensing Committee
James Spencer
James Spencer
Christchurch Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Brian Bishop
Brian Bishop
Colyers Tory Logo £9,417.96
£250.00 (N)
Maxine Fothergill
Maxine Fothergill
Colyers Tory Logo £9,417.96
£250 (N)
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor
Colyers Tory Logo £9,417.96
£13,197 (D)

Cabinet Member for Adults’ Services
Claims to be proud of the fact that Bexley’s domiciliary care workers are paid only one penny above the minimum wage and are not paid at all for the time taken to get from one client’s home to another.
Defeated in the May 2014 election.
Cheryl Bacon
Cheryl Bacon
Cray Meadows Tory Logo £9,417.96
£8,802 (E)

Chairman: Public Realm, Community Safety, Economic Development and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Ross Downing
Ross Downing
Cray Meadows Tory Logo £9,417.96
£8,802 (E)

Chairman: Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Don Massey
Don Massey
Cray Meadows Tory Logo £9417.96
£13,197 (D)

Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Leisure
Chaired the meeting that decided to ignore the signatures of 2,219 Bexley residents who had expressed concern that the salaries paid to senior Bexley council executives are excessive.
Geraldine Lucia-Hennis
Geraldene Lucia-Hennis
Crayford Tory Logo £9,417.96
£4,510 (K)
£4,956 (P)
Deputy Mayor: 2013-2014
Chairman: General Purposes Committee

Offender against the councillors’ code of conduct. Twice censured and made to attend training courses. Excuses her aggressive tendencies by claiming she is not a councillor when not on council business. Idiot or what?
Eileen Pallen
Eileen Pallen
Crayford Tory Logo £9,417.96
£8,802 (E)

Chairman: Adults’ Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Melvin Seymour
Melvin Seymour
Crayford Tory Logo £9,417.96
£8,802 (E)

Chairman: Environment and Leisure Scrutiny Committee
Reported blogger to the police for harassing councillors. Charges subsequently dropped because there was no evidence that would stand examination.
Reported a blogger for Tweeting comments but exaggerated them very considerably. Blogger found guilty because of that gross exaggeration of the documentary evidence. These exaggerations were repeated from the witness box at a successful appeal hearing. No action taken on perjury.
Linda Bailey
Linda Bailey
Danson Park Tory Logo £9,417.96
£13,197 (D)

Cabinet Member for the Economic Development and Regeneration
Struck a member of the public outside the council chamber. Explained it by saying “I can do what I like”.
Sharon Massey
Sharon Massey
Danson Park Tory Logo £9,417.96
£14,754 (O)
Mayor: 2013-2014
John Waters
John Waters
Danson Park Tory Logo £9,417.96
£2,383 (L)
£33.50 (Q)

Chairman: Pensions Committee
Steven Hall
Steven Hall
East Wickham Tory Logo £9,417.16
£2,133 (M)

Chairman: Audit Committee
James Hunt
James Hunt
East Wickham Tory Logo £9,417.16
£8,802 (E)

Chairman: Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Michael Tarrant
Michael Tarrant
East Wickham Tory Logo £9,417.96
Thinks it is sensible to prosecute residents who have their rubbish stolen by persons unknown and dumped elsewhere.
Writes to local newspapers to support Bexley council but does not disclose his interest.
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Chris Ball
Chris Ball
Erith Labour Logo £9,417.96
£13,197 (C)

Leader of the Opposition
Former leader of the council under whom local taxes rose 40%, contributing towards Bexley’s council tax rate being in 9th position on the list of London’s highest taxing councils.
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Edward Boateng
Edward Boateng
Erith Labour Logo £9,417.96
£2,281.88 (F)

Opposition spokesman: Adults’ Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Margaret O'Neill
Margaret O’Neill
Erith Labour Logo £9,417.96
£1,068 (I)

Opposition spokesman: Planning Committee
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Nigel Betts
Nigel Betts
Tory Logo £9,417.96
Connived with council deputy leader Campbell in his campaign to stop residents using the Freedom of Information Act to expose council dishonesty, incompetence and wastefulness.
Peter Catterall
Peter Catterall
Tory Logo £9,417.96
In November 2010, suggested that severe traffic problems in Erith might be alleviated by removing an idiotic roundabout rather than by installing more impediments to progress. Could it be true that there is a lone advocate of common sense within this talentless council?
Val Clark
Val Clark
Tory Logo £9,417.96
£2,661 (H)
£106.10 (Q)

Vice-Chairman: Planning Committee
Mayor: 2010-2011 (Self appointed God’s gift to chairmanship).
John Davey
John Davey
Lesnes Abbey Tory Logo £9,417.96
The man who named this website by telling me that council road planning was “completely bonkers” but don’t run away with the conclusion he is an honest man. Duplicity is his name; he thinks the planning is bonkers but was Vice-Chairman of the Road Planning Scrutiny sub-Committee at the time; a committee which seems to have strangely disappeared since. He also walks away when shown evidence of council malpractice and dishonesty. He has no great need to fleece the tax-payer with inflated expense claims as he has a similar sinecure with the health authority.
No sense of right or wrong. Has politicised the Arts Council website by slipping in links to the Conservative Party on it and wrote to a local newspaper to say he was proud of what he had done.
John Fuller
John Fuller
Lesnes Abbey Tory Logo £9,417.16
£13,197 (D)

Cabinet Member for Education
Complicit in the cover up of councillor Craske’s lies and abuse of electors.
Eleanor Hurt
Eleanor Hurt
Lesnes Abbey Tory Logo £9,417.96
Smallest majority in the borough. Six votes.
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Gareth Bacon
Gareth Bacon
Longlands Tory Logo £9,417.96
£13,197 (D)

Cabinet Member for the Environment and Public Realm
If you thought that £40,000 a year from Bexley council was quite sufficient for the Bacon family, think again. Gareth is also a Greater London Authority Assembly member for which he was paid £53,439 last year. On top of that he claims a travel card at taxpayers’ expense worth another two grand. Nice work if you can get it eh? Close to £100,000 a year for a few hours a week, which is all he can comfortably fit in given that he holds a full time job as a financial recruitment consultant; he has certainly given himself good advice. It may not be illegal but to fleece the public purse of £100k. a year is some going; do you think that he is on the council for the benefit of the public or to put his snout in the trough? Bacon by name, piggies by nature. Despite all that his management skills may make him better value for money than any of his colleagues.
Richard Gillespie
Richard Gillespie
Longlands Tory Logo £9,417.16
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Michael Slaughter
Michael Slaughter
Longlands Tory Logo £9,417.96
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Stefano Borella
Stefano Borella
North End Labour Logo £9,417.96
£379.12 (N)
Alan Deadman
Alan Deadman
North End Labour Logo £9,417.96
£2,661 (F)

Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Opposition spokesman: Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Thorn in Bexley’s Conservative side, quick to see through their dishonesty.
Brenda Langstead
Brenda Langstead
North End Labour Logo £9,417.96
£2,661 (F)

Opposition spokesman: Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Philip Read
Philip Read
Tory Logo £9417.96
£8,802 (E)

Chairman: Finance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Falsely accused a local blogger resulting in the blogger spending 24 hours in a police cell.
Peter Reader
Peter Reader
Tory Logo £9,417.96
£8,802 (G)

Chairman: Planning Committee
Alex Sawyer
Alex Sawyer
Tory Logo £9,417.96
£4,907.11 (N)

Married to Conservative MP for Witham, Essex, Ms. Priti Patel. Ms. Patel employs Bexley Conservative ex-councillor David Leaf as her research assistant.
Aileen Beckwith
Aileen Beckwith
Sidcup Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Jackie Evans
Jackie Evans
Sidcup Tory Logo £6,481.18
Long term illness leading to resignation as soon as she was within six months of the next election date thereby depriving the electorate of a by-election
June Slaughter
June Slaughter
Sidcup Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Colin Campbell
Colin Campbell
Deputy Leader
St. Mary’s Tory Logo £99,417.96
£17,595 (B)

Deputy Leader of the Council

The councillor so concerned that the dirty secrets the council attempts to protect might leak out through Freedom of Information (F.O.I.) requests that he proposed that those making such requests should have their details posted on the council’s website as a deterrent contrary to the Data Protection Act 1998.
When faced with a police investigation into his department, involving paedophilia, allegations of drug importing and the theft of six figure sums of money, Campbell restored the accused manager to his job while on bail, approved the sacking of a whistleblower and then upheld the sacking at the appeal hearing he chaired. Is it any wonder he wishes to suppress F.O.I. requests with a track record like that?
Alan Downing
Alan Downing
St. Mary’s Tory Logo £9,417.96
£7,547.96 (E)
Mayor: 2012-2013
Chairman: Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Abused a deaf member of the public who asked for the microphones (and hence the hearing loop) to be switched on at a council meeting.
Colin Tandy
Colin Tandy
St. Mary’s Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Caroline Newton
Caroline Newton
St. Michael’s Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Joseph Pollard
Joseph Pollard
St. Michael’s Tory Logo £9,417.96  
Ray Sams
Ray Sams
St. Michael’s Tory Logo £9,417.96 Mayor: 2011-2012
Defeated in the May 2014 election.
Sandra Bauer
Sandra Bauer
Tory Logo £9,417.96
£2,661 (F)

Deputy Leader of Opposition
Opposition spokesman: Education Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Made a statement to the police in the hope that a blogger critical of Bexley council would get a criminal record. The accusations failed to stand up in court.
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Munir Malik
Munir Malik
Labour Logo £9,417.96
£2,661 (F)

Opposition spokesman: Finance Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Stood down for the May 2014 elections.
Harry Persaud
Harry Persaud
Labour Logo £9,417.96  

Appointments and allowances refer to 2010/11 only
(A) Leader of the Council (B) Deputy Leader (C) Leader of the Opposition (D) Cabinet Member (E) Scrutiny Committee Chairman (F) Scrutiny Committee Opposition Spokesman (G) Planning Committee Chairman (H) Planning Committee Vice-Chairman (I) Planning Committee Opposition Spokesman (J) Licensing Committee Chairman (K) General Purposes Committee Chairman (L) Pensions Committee Chairman (M) Audit Committee Chairman (N) Special Responsibility Allowance (O) Mayor (P) Deputy Mayor (Q) Expenses claimed

Six married couples are linked by coloured backgrounds


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